It is the responsibility of every student, employee and guest to the campus to be familiar with College policies and procedures. This site is intended to assist you in locating policies and procedures that govern the Rochester Community and Technical College community and includes tools to assist you in creating new or updating existing policies. If you have questions, please e-mail them to
Policies will be made available, upon request, in an alternative format such as large print or audio tape.
- How does an idea become a policy or procedure? (.DOC)
- Policy and Procedure Request for Approval Form (.DOC)
- Process Map (PDF)
Search 易胜博’s Policies:
Full Alphabetical Listing of All System and 易胜博 Policies
Policies are categorized under the following areas.
Policies and procedures specifically relating to fiscal administration (i.e. travel management, fees, procurement and contracts, refunds, withdrawals, waivers, etc.)
College Relationships
Policies and procedures specifically relating to the foundation, local advisory committees, program advisory committees, and gifts and grants to the College.
Policies and procedures specifically relating to educational issues (i.e. programs, degrees, PSEOP, admissions, student grievances and conduct, course syllabi, fresh start, acceptance of transfer credits etc.)
Policies and procedures specifically relating to facilities (i.e. capital budget, construction contracts, naming of college buildings, safety and security, facility usage, etc.)
Policies and procedures specifically relating to the financial issues (i.e. accounting, reporting, internal audits, development and sale of real property, carpentry program acquisitions.)
Human Resource
Policies and procedures specifically relating to personnel issues (i.e. designation of fields for faculty, weather/emergency closings, sabbatical leaves, expense allowances, etc.)
Policies and procedures specifically relating to student issues (i.e. satisfactory academic progress, student data practices, student life, student senate emergency loans, etc.)
System Organization
Policies and procedures specifically relating to the the Minnesota State system (i.e. Minnesota State organization, alcohol use on campus, harassment and nondiscrimination, etc.)